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Loan rejected



Do you feel like you've been stuck in a never-ending cycle of loan rejections? Whether it’s for a startup venture, buying a new car, or making a big purchase, it can be discouraging to put time and effort into a loan application only to be turned down time and time again. But why were you rejected? It's a question that plagues many loan applicants, and unfortunately, the reasons for rejection may not always be clear-cut.

However, there are steps you can take to improve your chances of success. One crucial factor is managing your finances effectively. That's where cashew comes in - our payment products can help you stay on top of your finances and make informed decisions about your loan applications. In this blog post, we'll delve into the most frequent reasons for loan rejections and provide a few tips on how to increase your chances of getting approved in the future. By understanding why your application was rejected and taking steps to manage your finances better, you can overcome loan rejection and achieve your financial goals.


Cracking the code - Why do loan applications get rejected?


The impact of credit scores on your loan application

One of the key factors that lenders take into account when evaluating your loan application is your credit score. Your credit score is a numerical representation of your creditworthiness based on your credit history. A high credit score indicates that you have a good track record of paying off debts on time, while if you have a poor credit score, you may be considered a high-risk borrower, making lenders hesitant to approve your loan application. This could lead to loan rejection or higher interest rates and fees.

And if you're struggling with a poor credit score, there are steps you can take to improve your creditworthiness and increase your chances of loan approval, such as maintaining a good credit score by paying bills on time, keeping credit card balances low, and avoiding opening too many new accounts at once. With the right approach, you can boost your credit score and become a more attractive borrower to lenders.

Overcoming debt-to-income ratio challenges

Your debt-to-income ratio (DTI) is another important factor that lenders consider when reviewing your loan application. Your DTI measures how much of your monthly income is spent on paying off debt. If you have a high DTI, that means you're already overextended, and you might struggle to make on-time payments on a new loan. Lenders typically prefer borrowers to have a DTI of 43% or less, so if yours is higher, you might face rejection.


So to improve your chances of approval, you may need to work on paying down your existing debt, and lowering your DTI. This could involve creating a budget, increasing your income, or consolidating your debts into a single payment with a lower interest rate, and that's where cashew can help. We can help you take back control of your bills with cashew bills and get out of debt. With our cashew bills program, you can consolidate all of your bills into one easy-to-manage payment. This will help you pay down your existing debt faster and lower your DTI, which is essential if you want to qualify for a loan or mortgage.



Boosting your financial income


When applying for a loan, your income is a crucial factor that lenders consider. If your income is inadequate to cover the loan payments, lenders may view you as a high-risk borrower and may reject your application. And to assess whether you have enough income, lenders will typically examine your debt-to-income ratio (DTI), which compares your monthly debt payments to your monthly income. And as we already mentioned, a high DTI indicates that you may not have enough income to comfortably afford the loan payments, making lenders more reluctant to approve your loan application. Furthermore, if you are self-employed or have inconsistent income, lenders may perceive your income as less stable and predictable, further lowering your chances of approval. 

So, to increase your chances of being approved for a loan, you may need to work on increasing your income or finding ways to reduce your debt and expenses. This could involve taking on a side hustle, negotiating a raise at work, or cutting back on unnecessary expenses, which can improve your DTI. By demonstrating that you have a stable income and can easily afford the loan payments, you can increase your chances of getting approved for a loan.

Securing your loan with strong collateral

Collateral is an asset that you pledge to a lender to secure a loan. It provides security for the lender as it serves as a guarantee that you will repay the loan, and if you are unable to do so, the lender can seize the collateral to recover their losses. If you don't have sufficient collateral to secure the loan, lenders may be hesitant to approve your application, as it increases their risk of loss in the event that you default on the loan. So you may be required to find a co-signer who will guarantee the loan on your behalf; this person will be responsible for repaying the loan if you are unable to do so. 

Additionally, if the value of the collateral is less than the amount of the loan, lenders may not consider it adequate to secure the loan. To improve your chances of getting approved for a loan, you may need to consider offering additional collateral or finding ways to increase the collateral value you have. This could involve paying down existing debt, improving your credit score, or taking steps to increase the value of your assets. By providing sufficient collateral, you can demonstrate to lenders that you are a low-risk borrower and increase your chances of getting approved for a loan.


Credit report overload


When you apply for credit, lenders will request your credit report to evaluate your creditworthiness. Each request results in a "hard inquiry" on your credit report, which can negatively impact your credit score if there are too many inquiries in a short period of time. Multiple hard inquiries can indicate to lenders that you are a high-risk borrower who is seeking credit from multiple sources, making them hesitant to approve your loan application.

To avoid this issue, it's important to apply for credit only when necessary and to space out your applications over time. For example, if you need a loan to start a business, you might consider applying for a loan after carefully reviewing your options and preparing your application.

You can also check your own credit score and report without generating a hard inquiry by using a free credit monitoring service. By being mindful of the number of credit inquiries you generate, you can protect your credit score and increase your chances of getting approved for a loan.

In conclusion, getting rejected for a loan can be frustrating and disheartening, but it's important to remember that there are many factors that lenders consider when evaluating loan applications. By understanding these factors and taking steps to address any issues, you can increase your chances of getting instant loan approval in the future. And for those who need help managing their finances, bills, donations, and payments, cashew is here to make your life easier. With cashew, you can keep track of your expenses, set budgets, and make payments all in one place. So whether you're planning to apply for a loan or just want a better shopping experience, we can help you get a handle on your finances and achieve your financial goals. Download the cashew app for IOS and Android now!